Why Choose Robotic Welding Services Over Hand Welding?

Robotic welding machine welding a bed frame

Manufacturing machinery is getting smarter by the day. While some tech (like super agile collaborative robots) are limited to only the most cutting-edge enterprise manufacturing facilities, other technologies are becoming commonplace for small- and mid-size manufacturers.

One of the most accessible high-tech machines is the robotic welder. Welding robots come in all shapes and sizes. Generally, the more joints they have, the more detailed and precise work they can do. 

Robotic welding can be fully automated or semi-automated. Either way, it's much easier on your budget than hand welding services.

Benefits of Robotic Welding Services

1.  Time

Robotic welders work fast. They produce high volumes of welds accurately and consistently. That means shorter lead times, and a shorter supply chain for you.

Because robotic welders work fast, more product is churned out over the same time period. Robots don't need to take breaks, so you get a much greater yield each day. If you need to quickly meet demand, robotic welders make your supply chain more responsive.

2.  Labor

Robotic welders are more precise, consistent, and efficient than even the most skilled hand welders. It's more cost-effective (for you and the manufacturer) to use a robotic welder with a skilled operator for your projects.

One thing you don't usually think about is the danger involved in welding. Skilled welders know how to mitigate risks, but accidents are always a possibility. When manufacturers remove these risks to personnel (and insurance claims), you get more affordable welding services.

3.  Waste

As long as the inputs are accurate, robotic welding eliminates human error. That means less scrap and less wasted materials. Scrap costs are one of the worst offenders in driving up unexpected costs.

Overwelding is a major concern for hand and semi-automatic welding. Overwelding wastes filler materials, and drives up labor and energy costs. Fully automated robotic welders completely eliminate overwelding, keeping your costs low.

4.  Quality

What's the key to a high-quality welding project? Consistency across all parts. Repeatable output is essential for quality production. 

By default, hand welding is inconsistent. Humans can't produce the same welds over and over again. There are inevitable mistakes and human error. 

Robotic welders don't have this limitation. Once they've been programmed, they produced the exact same weld for each product across the entire order. 

Robotic Welding Is Perfect for OEM Projects

OEMs need high volumes and quick turnarounds. Hand welding simply can't keep up with demand. 

You can further shorten your supply chain and decrease lead times by working with a multi-service manufacturer. If your product can go straight from fabrication to welding, the benefits will go straight to your revenues.

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