McHone Industries Blog

Manual Vs. Robotic Welding Services -- 4 Cost Factors

Written by McHone Industries, Inc. | Aug 12, 2017 4:20:00 PM

Engineers and buyers must always understand how much they are spending, what they are spending it on, and why. Welding is no different -- there’s much to consider when deciding whether to play it safe with manual welding services or spend big on robotic welding services.

Robotic welding can be fully automated or semi-automated. Some versatile vendors also will offer to weld either by hand or robot depending on your project’s size.

There are several reasons why we recommend robotic welding services over hand welding. But today let’s talk costs -- everything in manufacturing seems to come back to cost anyway, right?

Costs: Manual Vs. Robotic Welding Services

1. Labor

Simply put, robots reduce manpower costs -- and they’re ideal for high-production projects. Some say one welding robot equals the production of four manual welders. If 50% of your vendor’s manufacturing labor hours are weld-related, think of the savings you could see passed down to you.

Labor costs also come in the form of injuries and costly insurance claims. Robots are quite more resilient than the human body against:

  • Heat
  • Sparks
  • Fumes
  • Flash

Experienced welders know how to curb risks, but accidents are always a possibility. Proper ventilation is crucial, depending on the welding method, as welders may face exposure to harmful substances such as lead and carbon monoxide.

2. Time

Robotic welding services require fewer breaks in production -- robots don’t have to stop to eat or pee. People must be managed, plus they require time off for sleep, vacation, bar mitzvahs, and more. The downtime on the shop floor because of excessive changeover and other activities that delay the welding arc from being struck makes another case for the robotic method.

The flipside? Robotic machines can require repairs, resulting in costly downtime for troubleshooting and fixing. Still, if your vendor offers automated repeated welds, you can save serious money. Hand welders simply can’t keep up with demand like robots can, which is problematic if you need high volumes and quick turnarounds. Robots can be ideal when you have a last-minute request. They allow faster cycle times, shortening your supply chain.

The old cliche is true: Time is money. With robotics, your product reaches the market faster.

3. Quality

Steady hands and solid eyesight are ideal for welding by hand. Unfortunately, humans are naturally prone to inconsistencies, and someone on one shift may produce a finished part different than someone on the next. Even expert welders make the occasional mistake. Having to create a part all over again -- or even tweaked or repaired later on -- wastes your money and time.

If programmed correctly, robots can repeat the same, exact weld over and over with impressive quality. Robotic welding services are great when you need:

  • Tight tolerances
  • Multiple welds on large objects
  • Resistance spot welding

4. Waste and Cleanup

Waste is the top hidden cost of welding. Opt for the right-the-first-time precision of robotics, and you’ll slash your material costs.

With a consistent robotic system, your product also will sustain less weld spatter and benefit from neater seams.

Humans are maddeningly prone to overwelding, surely thinking, “Better safe than sorry!” Overwelding wastes filler materials and increases energy costs. Fully automated robotic welders are programmed with precise orders and follow them to a T -- with them, overwelding is never a problem.

Want Efficiency? Go Robotic

As you can see, there’s much you can gain from doing the robot with your next vendor. As technology improves exponentially, there’s little reason to fear machine-made mistakes.

Still on the fence or need further information? Click here to learn more about different welding types.