McHone Industries Blog

4 Benefits of Specifying American-Made Metal Tubing

Written by McHone Industries, Inc. | Aug 11, 2020 4:59:00 PM

American-made metal tubing is responsible for quite a bit in our country. 

It holds up our bridges and sends us into space. It also makes up our bed frames and playground equipment. 

Hiring an American metal manufacturer to fabricate your metal tubes is about more than being able to slap a “Made in the USA” sticker on your product. It’s an investment in peerless and uncompromised quality. You’re supporting an industry that has been a backbone of the U.S. economy for a century.

For as many benefits as American metal tube manufacturing provides, international manufacturing has just as many problems.

4 Benefits of American Metal Tube Manufacturing

Despite the appeal offshoring has (think: cheap labor), using an American metal tube manufacturer means: 

  1. Dependable quality
  2. Stricter standards
  3. Supporting communities 
  4. Domestic economic growth 


1. Dependable Quality 

American-manufactured goods are among the best in the world. Pro-business policies coupled with a highly skilled workforce have made the U.S. one of the most ideal places for manufacturing. 

Contracting with an American metal tube manufacturer means you don’t have to weigh quality against value as you would with an overseas manufacturer. Your metal tubing order comes with the confidence that it’s made to some of the highest standards in the world

Plus, when your contract metal manufacturer is located on the same continent, you’ll have an easier time connecting or making a site visit. 

2. Built to Stricter Standards 

American-made products come under some of the highest scrutiny on the planet. Domestically produced metal tubing is not immune to this.  

Between federal and state regulations, watchdog groups, and voluntary participation in organizations such as American National Standards Institute, American manufacturers are regularly monitored for production methods and product quality. What’s more, there are consequences for failing to meet standards.

3. Supporting Communities 

Choosing American metal tubing helps rebuild many communities by maintaining steady and fulfilling work. 

After the decline of the steel industry in the Rust Belt, many metal manufacturing jobs headed overseas. Big cities synonymous with the steel industry, such as Buffalo and Pittsburgh, and small towns suffered from the outmigration of metal manufacturing jobs. 

Now these jobs are starting to come back stateside, and home-grown products are competitive in price and quality.

4. Domestic Economic Growth 

According to the most recent figures from the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, domestic manufacturing represented $2.33 trillion of the country’s gross domestic product in 2018 and drove 11.3% of its economic output. 

Put simply: When American manufacturing does well, the entire country reaps the benefits. Jobs are preserved. Workers have money to spend. Companies are able to invest in new products and production methods. 

Hiring a American metal tube manufacturer contributes to a stable and thriving economy.

The Problems With International Manufacturing

International manufacturing often creates a logistical nightmare in product development and fabrication. 

The distance between you and your vendor inhibits:

  • Turnaround time
  • Communication
  • Quality control
  • Response to market demand

In addition, correcting issues or streamlining the manufacturing process is distractingly difficult. Not to mention, you’re also contending with working across international quality control and labor regulations -- or even language barriers.

Resource: Dive into the hidden costs to consider when looking for a non-American metal tube manufacturer.

American-Made Metal Tubes: A Better Product, a Better America

Whatever your metal tubing needs are -- whether for HVAC or handle fabrication -- an American full-service metal manufacturer ensures efficient production of your metal tubing without international delays.


 (Editor’s note: This article was originally posted in December 2016 and was recently updated.)